24/7 Prayer
Enjoy the International House of Prayer webstream. This is a free webstream of 24/7 day and night prayer. Pray and worship day and night with hundreds of other.
“How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God . . . Blessed are those who dwell in your house; They are ever praising you.”
Psalm 84
24-7 International Houses of Prayer are essential and extremely powerful to all that God wants to do in the nations. This is one of the key things all Christians must pray for in the nations. There is nothing that compares with the spiritual atmosphere that is released by day and night intercession and worship. Imagine being able to go to a place at any given time where you can be with others who are worshipping and praying to God. Think about the growth in your own personal relationship with God and the enormous encouragement this could be to the whole body of Christ. Day and night prayer breaks the power of the enemy and brings protection over the city as nothing else does. These are days when we long for the Kingdom of God to reign on earth. Please pray that an International House of Prayer is started in God’s way and for His glory in all the major cities throughout the world.
The Holy Spirit is orchestrating a world prayer moment
Mike Bickle, the Director of the International House of Prayer (IHOPKC) says the following:
“In this hour, the Holy Spirit is setting watchmen on the wall (Isaiah 62:6) and releasing the Annas’ to pray and fast night and day in the temple (Luke 2:37-38). This watchmen calling of Anna transcends gender and age. It includes both men and women who are both old and young. The International House of Pray mission’s base is deeply engaged in the Great Commission. The journey of the International House of Prayer begins with the understanding that God is sovereignly raising up a worldwide prayer movement. The prayer movement is a worship movement that is also a prophetic movement. All three dimensions are expressions of the Holy Spirit’s one river. Most believers are wooed by one of the three into the one river of God releasing healing and evangelism and building the Church. This strategic plan of the Holy Spirit will reach a crescendo before the Lord returns, as the bowls of intercession will become full in heaven. ‘…. the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.’ (Revelation 5:8). The worldwide prayer movement is many faceted with many expressions of God’s heart and personality. If we celebrate the different models and expressions of prayer, then we are able to learn from one another.”