Viviendo con el Principe de Paz en un Mundo sin Paz

12376254_1070125296383910_3441194080106287692_n“¿Que visión tienes de Dios? De la forma que le veas a Él te estarás viendo a ti mismo. Determina como ves tu vida, tu iglesia, incluso los eventos que ocurren en el Cuerpo de Cristo. Si no llegas a ver a Jesús como tu Principe de Paz, ese puede ser el motivo por el que no encuentras descanso. Verle a Él como tu Principe de Paz personal implica que ya no puedes volver a preocuparte; la paz y la preocupación simplemente no pueden coexistir. Nuestra forma de vida está profundamente forjada por nuestra imagen de Dios.” Graham Cooke

No cabe duda – el mundo va peor. Para muchos, si no para todos, puede dar hasta miedo. Los pensamientos de peligros y desastres pueden sobrecoger y paralizar. Existe una gran tentación de preocuparse y entrar en ansiedad. Cuando nos enfrentamos con el virus H1N1, la crisis economica, un incremento en delitos, perdida de trabajos, y desastres naturales, lo natural es la tentación de permitir que estas cosas nos sobrecojan.

Pero lo sobrenatural es confiar en nuestro Principe de Paz y vencer cada prueba con la que nos enfrentemos. 

El diablo intenta poner temor en nuestros corazones. Hubo un ladrón profesional llamado Blake Bart que infundió temor en los corazones de las personas en los años 1800, cuando aterrorizaba la line de diligencias estadounidense de Wells Fargo. Era conocido por traer el temor a la frontera desde San Francisco hasta Nueva York. Entre 1875 y 1883 robó a 29 equipos diferentes de diligencias. Y lo hizo todo sin un solo disparo. Nadie lo vió jamás porque llevaba una capucha sobre su cabeza. Nunca secuestró a nadie, pero Blake usaba el temor para paralizar a sus victimas. Lo siniestro de su presencia acababa con los mas duros. El diablo es como Blake – quiere poner temor en nuestros corazones – quiere dañar nuestra imagen de Dios.

Nos estamos acercando mas a la segunda venida de nuestro Señor. ¡Tú y yo estamos viviendo la hora más fantastica de toda la historia! Debemos aprender a acceder a las bendiciones de estos tiempos y no a simplemente estar paralizados por las dificultades. Aprender a vivir en paz ha sido un reto a través de las edades. Desde el principio de la historia el mundo entero ha estado en paz menos del ocho por ciento del tiempo. de 3530 años de registro historico, solo 286 tuvieron paz. ¡Y se hicieron y rompieron mas de 8000 tratados de paz!

Debemos aprender a confiar en nuestro Principe de Paz. Debemos demostrar a través de nuestras vidas de a diario lo que implica vivir con el Principe de Paz, porque este mundo está buscando desesperadamente la paz. Jesús no es solo un Maravilloso Consejero, Dios poderoso y Padre Eterno, ¡tambien es el Prinicipe de Paz! Su gobierno durara por siempre, Isaias 9:6-7 dice:

“Porque un niño nos es nacido, hijo nos es dado; y el principado sobre su hombro: y se llamará su nombre Admirable, Consejero, Dios fuerte, Padre eterno, Príncipe de paz. Lo dilatado de su imperio y la paz no tendrán término.”

Debemos descubrir el secreto de vivir en Su paz en medio de un mundo sin paz. Dios siempre ha querido que nosotros aprendamos esta lección. Él quiere que le experimentemos como nuestro Prinicipe de Paz. Él quiere que pongamos nuestra mano en Su mano, viviendo en total dependencia de Él para todo. Jesús es nuestra paz todos los días. Podemos aprender a vivir, morar y habitar en Sus brazos de amor eterno a diario.

La forma en que podemos vencer al estres en un mundo en el que se incrementa el estres es incrementando nuestra comunión con Dios. 

Si estamos entrando en una nueva época de nuestras vidas, (como es el caso de muchos de nosotros), debemos tomar el tiempo para desarrollar una intimidad más profunda con el Señor. Debemos aprender a permanecer en Dios a través de lo fácil y dificil de la batalla. Debemos aprender esta lección porque la victoria no llegará sin una pelea. Dios nos está llamando a hacer lo imposible en estos últimos días. Debemos verle a Él como nuestro refugio todos los días – Debemos de fiarnos de Su naturaleza – Él es nuestro escudo y nuestra recompensa (Genesis 15:1) – Él es nuestro refugio.

La Biblia está llena de versiculos acerca de la paz de Dios. En Juan 14:27 Jesús promete darnos Su paz, en Juan 16:33 tenemos paz porque Él ha vencido al mundo, en 1 de Corintios 7:15 Dios nos llama a vivir ne paz, 1 Corintios 14:33 dice que Él no es un DIos de desorden sino de paz, Efesios 2:14 dice que Él es nuestra paz, Filipenses 4:7 promete que Su paz trasciende todo entendimiento, y en Colosenses 3:15 vemos que Su paz debe reinar en nuestros corazones. Vemos que la paz es un fruto del espíritu en Gálatas 5:22, y Mateo 6:25-34 ¡nos exhorta a que no nos preocupemos! Hay mucho más pero lo puedes estudiar tu mismo.

Un hombre llevó a cabo un concurso para producir una obra de arte que fuese la imagen perfecta de la paz. Artistas de todo lugar entraron en el concurso. El dia de la selección los jueces descubrieron un escenario pacifico detrás de otro mientras que todos aplaudian y vitoreaban.

Finalmente solo quedaban dos cuadros por desvelar. La tensión se incrementó. El juez quitó la cortina que tapaba uno de ellos y un silencio calló sobre la multitud. un lago sereno como un espejo reflejaba alamos verdes bajo un cielo de atardecer con una manada de ovejas que pacían sin ser molestadas en la orilla llena de cesped. ¡Este debe ser el cuadro vencedor!

El hombre que tuvo la visión del concurso desvelo el ultimo cuadro personalmente. La gente quedó sorprendida. ¿Podría esta ser la imagen de la paz?

Una feroz cascada con una humedad penetrante se precipitaba por un precipicio frio y rocoso. Nubes de tormenta amenazaban con viento lluvia y relampagos. La imagen daba la sensación de un amargo frio rodeado de ruidos de truenos. Un pequeño arbol se asía a las rocas justo al borde de la cascada. en una de las ramas que se extendía justo frente a las aguas torrenciales había un pequeño pájaro que había hecho su nido en el codo de la rama. Sin sentirse molestado por el entorno tormentoso y amenazador, estaba incubando sus huevos. con los ojos cerrados y las alas cubriendo las crias, descansaba en una paz que trascendia todo su entorno.

Quizás esta sea la perfecta imagen de la paz y un buen ejeplo del cómo Dios quiere que vivamos en nuestro mundo actual. Pero ¿que hacemos cuando el temor amenaza con sobrecojernos? ¿Cómo podemos ser como este pajarillo? 

Cuando el Temor Amenaza con Sobrecojerte

“Cada día, en cada circunstancia, hay un don de Dios presente en nuestras vidas. Con frecuencia, cuanto más desesperada sea la circunstancia, mayor el don que se nos ofrece. Pero podemos pasarlo de largo si no lo buscamos.”

Dios nos ofrece el don de Su paz. Yo lo se por experiencia propia, yo he experimentado Su poder y provisión sobrenatural sobre todo cuando he estado en situaciones imposibles. Cuando la vida no tiene pruebas, es muy facil tener la vida bajo nuestro propio control. No somos tan dependientes. Pero cuado el temor amenaza con sobrecojernos, podemos ver a Dios de una forma nueva y más profunda como nuestro Principe de paz. Puedes recibir el don de Dios de la paz en tu vida al:

  • Cultivar la intimidad con Dios – Es la mayor de tus armas en contra de los ataque del enemigo.
  • Aprender a estar en quietud – En la quietud, Dios pone todas las cosas en perspectiva y te ayuda a ver desde la ventaja de Su punto de vista.
  • Reflejarse en la naturaleza de Dios – ¿Qúe es lo que Dios quiere ser par ti en tu actual situación? ¿Tu paz? ¿Tu protector? ¿Tu fuerza? Él nunca cambia y Él es todas esas cosas para ti.
  • Llevar cautivos los pensamientos negativos – Encuentra textos bíblicos que reflejen la naturaleza de Dios para contigo. Arrepientete por haber creido las mentiras negativas del enemigo. Cuando el espíritu de temor ataque tu vida, aprende a atarlo en el nombre de Jesús.

Date cuenta de que el Principe de Paz viaja contigo durante toda la vida. Él no es pasivo, sino que tiene el poder para destrozar cada obstaculo. Tienes la autoridad para romper cualquier poder demoniaco en el nombre de Jesús. No te resignes a tu situación sino busca el poder de Dios para que te traiga la victoria. Él contestará tus oraciones si no te rindes. En tus circunstancias, Jesús te pregunta como hizo con sus discipulos, ¿Quien decís vosotros que soy Yo?” (Mateo 16:15) ¿Quien es Dios para ti? Declara ahora mismo su papel en tu vida. Te estás asociando con el Principe de Paz y con el Rey de reyes.

Recordemos siempre quienes somos en Cristo. El diablo intentará sacarnos de nuestro sitio de seguridad entre los brazos de Dios, pero debemos aprender a permanecer en Cristo. Debemos permanecer anclados en el amor de Cristo (Romanos 8:31-39). Podemos estar confiados en Él.

“Abraza a Dios como tu Principe de paz; tira de su naturaleza de descanso para que te sostenga. Cuando los problemas surjan en tu corazón, pídele al Principe de paz que te alivie. Él es tu refugio, tu torre fuerte. Si te ayuda, imaginate una torre fuerte, regida por Dios. Vive en ella.” 

¿Cual es tu visión de Dios hoy? ¿Es tu Principe de paz incluso en medio de la tormenta? ¿Es tu intimidad con Dios la mas importante de tus armas intimidatorias contra el enemigo?

“Cuando Dios está cementado como la prioridad de nuestros corazones, vemos como nuestra relación con Él se profundiza en formas que no creiamos posibles. Hay un lugar en el Espíritu Santo apartado para cada uno de nosotros en el que podemos hacer que el enemigo se canse, deprima, agote, confunda y desespere. Es un lugar en el que nuestra relación con Dios tiene un profundo efecto sobre el enemigo y la gente que nos rodea. Lo que pensamos acerca de Dios puede destrozar la influencia de la oscuridad sobre nuestros amigos y familia. Nuestra intimidad con Dios debe ser nuestra arma más intimidatoria contra el enemigo.” Graham Cooke

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Un Corazón Dedicado

12376260_1073835379346235_8548454892668843045_n“Guarda mi alma porque soy piadoso, salva tu, oh Dios mio” (Salmos 86:2a).

¿Te despiertas por las mañanas sintiendote como un corredor agotado que está en una carrera que nunca acaba? Te sientes a veces emocionalmente sin aliento cuando es dificil concentrarse, relajarse, y te sientes desmotivado e inquieto? ¿Te sientes como que tienes que recuperar fuerza perdida y que tus actividades corren más que tu corazón?

La vida en puede ser un reto. es dificil vivir por encima del ruido y las exigencias de la vida de a diario. Pero si vamos a sobrevivir, debemos aprender a traer equilibrio entre nuestra ocupación exterior y nuestro pensamiento interior. Es un proceso de toda la vida. Solo Dios puede mantenernos en perfecta paz.

David era un hombre que cultivaba su relación de corazón con Dios. En las proximas semanas estaremos viendo la vida y los escritos de David. Él es uno de mis personajes favoritos del Antiguo Testamento porque era un hombre con un corazón dedicado. Su corazón tenía un hambre profunda por Dios. ¿Qué sabemosde su vida? Él era un rey victorioso que pasó por grandes tragedias – era ungido pero humano – era fuerte en la batalla pero cayó en debilidad. A pesar de todas estas cosas, era el hombre elegido por Dios.

David luchó con dificultades al igual que nosotros. Me gusta su humanidad. Era brutalmente real – un hombre desesperado, dependiente, y que clamaba a Dios de forma frecuente. No las tenía todas consigo como pensariamos de algunos cristianos super estrellas. Él no quería ser grande a los ojos de los hombres, sino grande en los ojos de Dios. Las enseñanzas de David son para que las veamos todos. Eran luchas muy reales y vivas. Dios nos está enseñando lo que es la vida en Su secreto. Dios nos está enseñando lo que es la verdadera grandeza, porque desafortunadamente sigue habiendo una falta de profundidad en los cristianos de hoy en día.

David era Dedicado Dentro de la Oscuridad

“Y Jehová respondió á Samuel: No mires á su parecer, ni á lo grande de su estatura, porque yo lo desecho; porque Jehová mira no lo que el hombre mira; pues que el hombre mira lo que está delante de sus ojos, mas Jehová mira el corazón.” (1 Samuel 16:7).

David vivió durante el tiempo de los Jueces. Samuel, el profeta, era mayor y el pueblo no estaba satisfecho con el metodo de Dios para liderar a la nación. ¡Los Israelitas querían un rey! Otras naciones tenían reyes, y ellos querían ser como los demás. Rechazaron los caminos del Señor, y su elección fue Saul. Despues de todo era atractivo fisicamente, tenia fuerza de voluntad y muchas cualidades externas (1 Samuel 13:14). Pero la elección de Dios era diferente. Él no miraba los talentos, dones y personalidad. Él miraba las cualidades internas del corazón.

Cuando llegó el tiempo para elegir a un rey, 7 hijos pasaron por delante de Samuel. Pero Dios no había elegido a estos. El más joven, David, estaba atendiendo a las ovejas. Él no estaba planeando como llegar a ser rey ni se estaba quejando acerca de su trabajo poco importante, ni envidiando a sus hermanos. David estaba alabando a Dios desde el campo y atendiendo a sus ovejas. Este tiempo en su vida era muy significativo.

Quizás podamos pensar que el trabajo de David era aburrido, poco importante, de poca valía, y muy solitario. Incluso podría parecer en lo natural que se habia quedado fuera del cuadro general de Dios. Pero Dios con frecuencia nos prueba con lo aburrido y poco importante. Cuando Él desarrolla cualidades internas, nunca tiene prisa. Es en las pequeñas cosas que demostramos ser capaces para las cosas más grandes. Se trata de las pruebas de integridad entre bastidores. Puede que pensemos, “¡Estoy en el sitio equivocado, yo tengo talento, debiera de ser un lider, o estar haciendo algo importante!” Pero Dios ve y Él está mirando nuestro corazón.

Dios siempre supo como iba a usar a David. Estaba muy contento con el trabajo de David, su corazón de adoración y su cuidado por las ovejas, su integridad y su obediencia. Por encima de todo, estaba contento con la devoción del corazón de David. Y eligió a David como rey. Leemos en 1 de Samuel 13:14, “Jehová se ha buscado varón según su corazón, al cual Jehová ha mandado que sea capitán sobre su pueblo.”

Cada dia tenia propósito a los ojos de Dios. David – el mas joven y menos importante segun la estimación de su padre – era grande a los ojos de Dios. Él era el elegido de Dios. Él fue ungido primeramente en privado antes de su unción en publico. En el momento perfecto “El Espíritu de Dios vino con poder sobre él” (1 Samuel 16:13).

Lo que Dios hizo en y a través de David fue el resultado de su vida privada de devoción. Él tenía un corazón preparado que estaba fijado en Dios. Su vida estaba entregada a la busqueda de Dios en oración y alabanza. Dios era la realidad más grande de David.

Recuerda la vida de David la proxima vez que entres en la tentación del desanimo dentro de lo cotidiano. David – en la oscuridad, no visto, sin ser aplaudido por el publico – era grande a los ojos de Dios. Quizás David luchó con la insignificancia y la rutina en sus momentos más dificiles. Puede que hubiera luchado con sentimientos negativos y ataques del enemigo en su vida de pensamientos. Pero pasó la prueba de la rutina y la oscuridad, y fue fiel en su devoción para con Dios.

David tenía un Corazón Conforme a Dios

“Oye, oh Jehová, mi voz con que á ti clamo; Y ten misericordia de mí, respóndeme. Mi corazón ha dicho de ti: Buscad mi rostro. Tu rostro buscaré, oh Jehová(Salmos 27:7-8).

¿Cual era el secreto del éxito de David? A lo largo de la parte oscura de su vida, solo en el campo, él no paró de alabar, adorar y dar gracias a Dios. Cultivó su corazón y le permitió a Dios que desarraigase el egoismo. Todo esto parecía contrario a la sabiduría humana, pero en Su tiempo perfecto Dios usó a David poderosamente. David tenía el corazón de pastor, de confianza y devoción. Él fue el que abatia gigantes, el compositor de salmos, el musico personal de Saul, el mejor amigo de Jonatán, fugitivo perseguido y, por último, el rey de Israel.

La Biblia dice que era un hombre conforme al corazón de Dios. El que la Biblia diga esto acerca de un hombre es bastante sorprendente. David usaba todas sus energias en perseguir a Dios. Él pasaba tiempo con Dios. Su vida interna era más importante que su actividad externa. Era la más alta de sus prioridades, y aprendió a trabajar efectivamente desde el interior al exterior. De nuestros corazones fluyen nuestra energía, visión, e influencia para con Dios. David le permitió a Dios entrar en lo más profundo de su corazón. Dios era su única pasión dominante. El coste era alto para sentir la carga de Dios, sentir Su angustia, entender el dolor de Su corazón, y permanecer en Su verdad, dia si y el otro también. Pero estaba dispuesto. Mira la influencia de los salmos en tu propia vida.

A David no le preocupaban los rendimientos. Le preocupaba Dios. Lo que somos sale de nuestra vida privada. Es invisible casi para todos menos para Dios. Pero tiene gran influencia sobre los demás. Se aprenden grandes lecciones en los lugares secretos. La dependencia se aprende y somos tocados en las profundidades de nuestra personalidad y espiritu. No vamos a llegar a ningún lado a no ser que entremos en la profundidad con Dios. Yo viví a bordo de un barco durante años y nosotros nunca llegamos a ningún sitio hasta no haber salido primero a aguas profundas. Si aprendemos esta lección – lo privado antes que lo publico – habremos aprendido la mayor de las lecciones que puedan afectar el resto de nuestras vidas. Se trata de solicitud y devocion antes que de actividad.

Aprendiendo a Vivir una Vida de Devoción

“Perseverad en la oración, velando en ella con acción de gracias” (Colosenses 4:2).

Los cristianos con frecuencia tienen el problema de vivir en la superficie, en el nivel visible. Es una tentación con la que nos tenemos que enfrentar todos. Lo exterior capta nuestra atención inmediata. Exige nuestro tiempo y energia. Nos podemos sentir atrapados por la tirania de lo urgente. La batalla de la era es la actividad – Es la gran estrategia de Satanás – Si él puede mantenernos siempre ocupados, nos tiene – Ya no somos capitanes de nuestras almas, y nos hundimos con facilidad. Un deseo impulsivo de la humanidad es el de evitar concentrarse en Dios. Es muy facil trabajar para Él en cualquier momento en lugar de permitirle a Él que trabaje en nosotros.

Todo el mundo que nos rodea está ocupadisimo, pero ¿porqué? Con frecuencia tenemos hambre de respeto y de aplauso del público. Quizás tenemos miedo de enfrentarnos a nuestros problemas internos o no hemos tenido la aprobación de alguna persona significante en el pasado. Quizás estamos tratando conseguir aceptación o queremos poder para poder compensar la perdida de nunca haber oido “Bien hecho.” O puede que estemos cubriendo la culpa y la vestimos de espiritualidad. Quizás los dolores del pasado no se van. Puede que nos hayamos criado en un hogar en el que los logros eran una forma de vida o en la que había orgullo y competencia todo alrededor. Hay muchas razones para esto. Pero es hora de que miremos en el interior y permitamos que Dios eche todas las malas motivaciones fuera de nosotros. Debemos aprender a vivir una vida de devoción.

Quizás lo opuesto a este ajetreo sea el aprender a esperar en Dios en quietud. David dijo en el Salmo 27:14, “Espera en Jehova;Esfeurzate, y alientese tu corazón; si, espera en Jehova”. Al esperar David demostraba dependencia. Escuchaba y esperaba mientras que miraba por el rebaño. Sabía como tirar de los recursos de Dios (Salmos 63:8). Sabía como recibir de Dios en la soledad. Fuentes de agua viva surgen del interior. Dios quiere construir la dependencia y calidad del interior al exterior. David aprendio como luchar por su país en las fuerzas de Dios, no en las suyas propias.

¿Eres tentado para no hacer de la oración y la devoción a Cristo tu primera ambición en la vida? ¿Te tienta el diablo para que te enfoques en lo externo de la vida en lugar de en lo que es más importante? ¿Eres tentado este año a correr de un lado al otro en actividad sin fin o estás aprendiendo a escuchar la quieta voz de Dios? Mantener a Jesús como Señor de nuestras vidas es la mejor forma en la que tu y yo podemos vivir en el 2010. Mantengamos a Jesús en el centro y cultivemos un corazón dedicado. 

Actualemente estamos viviendo en la Base misionera Casa internacional de oración en la ciudad de Kansas, y es refrescante el ver a cientos de jovenes que estan buscando desarrollar su vida interior y poner a Cristo en el centro.

“Cuando me acordaré de ti en mi lecho, Cuando meditaré de ti en las velas de la noche. Porque has sido mi socorro; Y así en la sombra de tus alas me regocijaré. Está mi alma apegada á ti: Tu diestra me ha sostenido” (Salmos 63:6-8).

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Obstacles to City Transformation

11295696_968829226513518_6763007680125419221_n“The great work of intercession is needed for the returning of the Lord. It is here that the coming revival must find its strength. Let there be, with every minister and worker, ‘great searching of heart’ (Judges 5:16), as to whether they are ready to give as much time and strength to prayer as God desires. Let them, even as they are, in public, leaders of their larger or smaller circles, give themselves, in secret, to take their place in the front ranks of the great intercession host.” Andrew Murray

Let us each seek the Lord personally and corporately to remove the obstacles in our lives to city transformation.  Below are common obstacles to see transformation in our churches, cities and nations taken from the Transformation video by George Otis, Jr. called The Quickening. Pray through these obstacles in the Church and know that God will break through and that His bride will arise to her destiny!

Common Obstacles

  • Theological Misperceptions – Some people think that there is not much we can do to prepare for transformation. They fail to account for 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Isaiah 62:7. If we do what God has commanded us to do, then He will do anything he wants to do but if we don’t, we are being disobedient. The biggest obstacle is us. There is a fatalism that has come upon the Church.  God is intentional.  He has plans and purposes. God has a part to play, and we do as well. It’s a laboring together with Him.
  • Reliance on programs – We take matters into our own hands.  We think man has the answer. We seduce ourselves in figuring out a formula and miss real faith that is transformational. God transforms. We are program-orientation because of our impatience and pride. We try to organize our way to success. We don’t ask God for direction.  We must not seek man’s way for an answer.  We must spend time on our knees. We are missing the counsel of God. Wait in His presence and seek Him. God is not into programs and planning. Guard against the seductivity of programs and plans. We get entrapped in achievements. If we want to get to transformation, He must first come here.
  • Lowered expectations – We re-define transformation and accept lesser substitutes.  But we may miss real transformation. We become self-reliant. One of the greatest hindrances to transformation is apathy, complacency, and luke-warmness. We must have high goals because there is so much more God wants to do.  The western world is the least mature in the body of Christ. We have humanized the gospel. We become so familiar with hearing about God. We teach more than follow Jesus. We have no expectation of the supernatural, but God’s methods often cut across the ground of human logic.
  • Spiritually blind – He wants to know why we ask Him to come? Is it because we cannot bare to live without Him?  It’s about Him and to see God as King of Kings. We must allow Him to cleanse our hearts and check our motives. We must be careful that there are no hidden agendas or selfish ambition in us.  We must pray and seek Him and see what He wants to say in our lives. It’s not about the city ultimately, but about the Kingdom and King. The heart of Christian faith is intimacy. God wants to reveal his secrets. It’s about the presence of God where we realize how much we need him and long for his presence. He responds to a pure heart.
  • Ignorance of the past – Sometimes there is a lack of diligence in seeking the reason for lack of blessing. We must map the history of the area. We are oblivious to the depth of God’s feeling of unresolved corporate sin. Our past iniquity can be dealt with only by informed prayer and repentance. He has conditions of blessing. We must get rid of whatever offends God.  Improving our understanding of the past leads us to identify with God’s choices and covenants.
  • Lack of unity – Our western organization is an attempt to do unity. True unity goes beyond that and is a byproduct of humility. The root of our behavior is pride which God hates and resists. The only antidote is a fresh revelation of our hearts and his body. Unity is a revelation of the spirit of God that sees that only together can we get the results that God wants. I need my brother, and I can’ do it alone. We must give ourselves away to one another and to Him. We must look at ourselves in a kingdom connection. It is in all of us, not one of us.
  • Lack of hunger- Most of us are exceedingly busy. We live congested lives, and our thoughts race. The people of God are very distracted. We are so busy pursuing the world. The bride hardly speaks to Jesus.  Transformation and revival is not something we fit in, but it is born out of passion. We must remove ourselves from the distractions of our culture and get over the background noise. We miss God. Do I want a comfortable Christian life or God’s presence? We must have passion for the spirit of God. It is time to seek the Lord, and this is the message for the church today.

The time has come to lift the bar of expectations!  Transformation is attainable for God. This is the heartbeat of God, not the work of man. It’ the finger of God. He says “If you call on me, I will answer.” He takes care of the problems.  The church becomes a beacon of light and hope. This is revival.

The Church will Arise

“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth, and deep darkness the peoples; but the Lord will rise upon you, and His glory will appear upon you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.” Isaiah 60:1-3

When darkness is covering the earth and increasing, the glory of the Lord is rising on His people. “The church that is about to arise will be more at home in the heavenly realm than the earthly. There is a door standing open for us in heaven, and there is an invitation for us to go through it. Those who answer this call will be caught up into the Spirit, with the result that they will always be seeing the One who sits on the throne. This is the ultimate purpose of all true, prophetic revelation – seeing the glorious, risen Christ and the authority that He now has over all. If we really believe this in our hearts, it will change the way we live. We will be radically different.

It is time that we live a life that really shows that heaven is real and that our King is seated on the throne, far above all.

“The wake up call is now being sounded for the greatest force for truth and righteousness that has yet been released on the earth. It is now time to show the earth that heaven exists. All that we know on earth is but a shadow of the reality that is in heaven. We are called to bring reality to earth so that men will seek God.” Quotes by Rich Joyner

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

The Encouragement of Prayer Partners

10583916_1073319699397803_521068069144927705_n-2“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matt. 18:19-20).

Praying with others can have a dramatic effect in your own life. We need each other. God never meant us to walk through life alone. Prayer partners are God’s secret agents of blessing. In fact, it is not good to be always praying alone. We need to pray by ourselves, but at times we need the encouragement that comes from praying with a prayer partner.

Praying with others is necessary for our growth in intercession. You can develop two-by-two prayer in a variety of ways; getting together with a prayer partner weekly, praying over the telephone with a friend, or praying at a set time daily with a spouse or other family member.

In looking back at my life as an intercessor, I cannot tell you the number of times I have been personally blessed, encouraged, and strengthened through praying with others. Many times it has given me new insight, new determination to go on, or new hope in a dark situ-ation. Praying with others strengthens our personal prayer lives in more ways than we can ever imagine.

Prayer partners are God’s agents of blessing.  

When I had breast cancer another member of our church, Joanie, was going through the very same thing. As we wrestled through this unknown territory of facing cancer, we often would call each other at about 5:00 P.M. and talk and pray together. A short prayer and conversation on the telephone was such an encouragement for both of us. We didn’t talk or pray long—but we were in this trial together—and it made a huge difference.

Now both of us wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.

This has turned into a powerful ministry for Joanie. Now she sends out a daily email to many sick people—encouraging them, calling them on the telephone, and praying for them specifically regarding their health needs. Through her writings, she teaches the Word of God, names those who are ill and how to pray, and gives continual updates and words of encouragement. She has several hundred subscribers! She instills hope for healing in everyone she calls. Her words are powerful, faith-filled, and significant.

See what can happen when you pray for one another—a simple prayer can become a powerful ministry for God’s glory. We need to stand together in prayer in order to defeat the enemy. Elmer Towns in his book, Prayer Partners, stresses how prayer partners helped to defeat the enemy. He says:

When Moses lifted his hands in intercession to God, Joshua and Israel prevailed. But because Moses was flesh, he could only keep his arms lifted for a short period of time. When his arms became heavy, he dropped them and Amalek prevailed in battle. But when two intercessors, Aaron and Hur, stood on either side of Moses and held up his hands, God’s people defeated the enemy.1

There are so many benefits to praying together. The example of Moses in the heaviness of battle is a reminder to all of us of the need for prayer partners. We need others to hold up our hands, especially when we are going through a difficult time. Praying together with a prayer partner gives us strength. It benefits our lives in the following ways:

  • It helps us to be steadfast in prayer – It is easy at times to grow weary in prayer, but when we pray with another person, we have added strength to endure until the victory is won.
  • It connects us with others in a meaningful way – Most of us are longing for intimate friendships. Praying with others helps us to connect in a partnership of sharing and praying through our struggles, hopes, blessings, and disappointments.
  • It brings spiritual healing and growth – When we share our heart and burdens with a prayer partner, there is healing. Our faith grows as we pray and minister to one another.
  • It helps us to be accountable to others and God – Life is full of distractions and demands, but calling out to God on a regular basis with a prayer partner helps us to center our life focus on prayer and on God. When we meet together to pray, it helps us to keep on target with our lives.
  • It brings the presence of God into our midst – God promises to be there when two or three gather together in prayer. We desperately need the presence of God in our lives.
  • It strengthens us spiritually – Listening to and agreeing with the prayer of another will help us spiritually. It will strengthen and build us up. We go away challenged with a renewed deter-mination to follow God.
  • It brings fervency and revelation in our lives – Very often when we pray with someone else, we begin to see God’s will more clearly. We then begin to pray more passionately when we agree together on the revelation of God.
  • It helps us to experience the power of God – Sometimes, on our own, we may be struggling with a certain problem. When we pray with a prayer partner regarding the difficulties and problem areas in our lives, we experience God’s powe Sometimes we need the help of others to pray through certain issues, especially when we are in spiritual warfare. We read in Leviticus 26:8:“Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.”

Perhaps you are thinking, “The benefits are tremendous! But how do I find the right prayer partner?” Jesus emphasized the need for unity when He was on earth. He said in John 17:20-22:

“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

Finding the right prayer partner may not be easy, but God will help you. Approach it very carefully by following these important guidelines.

Finding a Good Prayer Partner

  • Pray for the right prayer partner – First, ask God to find the right person to pray with you. He knows who would be a good prayer partner for you.
  • Carefully choose a prayer partner – Realize that a prayer partner can enrich your life. At the same time, the wrong type of prayer partner can take away from your time in prayer if they have too many personal problems or want to talk instead of pray. Carefully choose.
  • Find someone who has a solid Biblical foundation – You want to pray with someone who knows the Bible and prays the Bible.
  • Find someone who hungers after God and desires to pray – You want to choose a prayer partner who is like-minded and has the same desire for God that you have. You want to choose someone who desires to grow in his or her prayer life.
  • Find someone who can be transparent but also confidential – You want to pray with someone who is willing to share the difficulties of life, but who also knows how to keep things confidential and private.
  • Find someone who easily repents and forgives – You want to pray with someone who is broken and moldable before God, repents easily, and is willing to confess sins.

Norm and I are trying to increase our praying together. He is my best prayer partner. It adds so much encouragement, unity, and faith to everything we are doing. I want to encourage you that praying with a prayer partner will make a very big difference in your life by adding power and strength to your prayers. When you pray in unity with another, you touch heaven and change earth with your prayers. God opens up the heavens with new revelation as your intercession adds to the prayers of your partner.

You actually harmonize with another at the throne room of God. And that is an important thing to do.

“But why does God like us to harmonize in prayer? Because we become responsible to one another. We search our heart in the presence of our partner to make sure there are no hindrances. We each strive to get as close to God as possible, and each picks up the passion and sincerity of the other… We become one in spirit as we agree in prayer.” Elmer Towns

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Why Doe God Love our Intercession?

12376254_1070125296383910_3441194080106287692_n“Christ, who in this as well as in other things is our example, spent many whole nights in prayer (intercession). His custom was to pray much. He had His habitual place to pray. Many long seasons of praying made up His history and character. Paul prayed day and night. Daniel’s three daily prayers took time away from other important interests. David’s morning, noon, and night praying was doubtless on many occasions very long and involved. While we have no specific account of the time these Bible saints spent in prayer, the indications are that they devoted much time to prayer, and on some occasions long seasons of praying were their custom.” E. M. Bounds

  • God passionately desires that we partner with Him in prayer and intercession – Prayer and intercession draws us into intimacy, and at the same time, it humbles and transforms us. When we bring the needs of others to God in prayer, we interact with His heart. He loves when we verbalize our prayers. He wants us to ask in order to receive (James 4:2). He even withholds blessing if we do not ask. God will answer if we pray and ask (Isaiah 30:18-19).
  • We are in governmental partnership with Him – The governmental center of the universe is in the prayer ministry. We partner with Him or we will not see these blessings. God seeks for those who will stand in the gap in intercession.

    “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30).

  • God opens doors of blessing when we intercede – We have a dynamic role in determining the measure of the quality of our life. Charles Finney was a lawyer from New York in the 1800’s whom the Lord used greatly to bring about revival. These amazing results were because of prayer (2 strong intercessors).
  • We are changed on the inside as His Word abides in us – We are filled with His heart, and our effectiveness in intercession increases. We then decree God’s decrees with power from on high. Wrong things are made right, the sick are healed, those bound in sin are freed, and revival is released in geographical areas. It’s marvelous!

    “You will make your prayer to Him, He will hear you,
And you will pay your vows. You will also declare a thing,
And it will be established for you;
So light will shine on your ways” (Job22:27-28).

  • God initiates prayer by declaring His will in His Word – We respond by praying His Word. Then He answers us by releasing His blessing because of our prayers. Prayer and intercession cause us to internalize God’s Word because when we speak His ideas back to Him. His Word builds us up and delivers us (1 Thessalonians 2:13, Hebrews 4:12, Acts 20:32, James 1:21). God’s mind then dominates and saturates ours, renewing us as we pursue Him in prayer.

    “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63).

  • Jesus releases God’s justice in response to intercession – Justice is God making wrong things right. He requires night and day prayer as the condition to release justice.

    “Shall God not avenge (bring about justice for) His elect who cry out day and night to Him? I tell you that He will avenge (bring about justice) them speedily (Luke 18:7-8).

Prayer for the Mediterranean Basis

12391190_1070125036383936_584139198323956590_n-2The Atmosphere of Heaven

  • Pray that the Church in the Mediterranean will live in agreement with and in obedience to the Holy Spirit – When the Church is obediently following God, praying fervently, and living holy and righteous lives, then God’s reviving power will be manifested in that region. The power of God and the atmosphere of Heaven will be experienced in His people both individually and corporately.
  • Pray that God will raise up intercessors, singers, and musicians all throughout the Mediterranean – Ask God to give them a strong desire for a House of Prayer and for the atmosphere of Heaven to permeate their city. Pray for God to raise up godly leadership for each House of Prayer.
  • Pray that worship together with prayer will begin to touch the Mediterranean with the atmosphere of heaven – Pray that God will bring His Church into the atmosphere of what prayer combined with worship is like. Pray that it will prepare that region for a mighty revival.

“Intercession is agreement with what God promises to do. Intercession is expressed by declaring what He will do. In heaven the worship and intercession flow as one river. When we tell God who He is then our faith expands with the revelation of the transcendent God of power and beauty. Then when we agree with what He will do in intercession, we do it in great faith.” Mike Bickle

Listening Prayer and Expectation

12376260_1073835379346235_8548454892668843045_n“The word of the Lord came to Elijah… “I will send rain upon the earth.” That was the foundation of that persistent praying and sevenfold watching on the mountaintop. First the ear heard, then the voice persistently claimed, and the eye expectantly looked. First the voice of God, then the voice of man. That is the true order. Tremendous results always follow that combination.”

Think about these questions as you evaluate your personal relationship with God:

  • Are you able to endure silence?
  • Are you tuned into hearing God’s still, small voice?
  • Are you able to listen attentively to what He is saying above all the noise of your world?

In order to pray His will, it is crucial that we hear God’s voice clearly. We all know what it is like to talk with someone who never listens. It is terribly frustrating! Likewise, God wants us to learn to listen to Him. As we spend time before Him in quiet listening we are able to pray His will more fervently and with greater expectation, hitting the target effectively. We need to be certain of hitting our target as we pray for the situations we see around us. When you give God time in listening prayer, He will direct your prayers strategically, even when you don’t realize it. He will help you to proclaim His will in your prayers, and your level of faith will increase.

God has so much to say to us daily, but often we can’t hear the fine, quiet tones of His voice.

When I was growing up, my father used to make and sell hearing aids from our home. Individuals would come into our house with hearing aids that needed repair. We, as a family, would not even bother to go into the living room to talk with them, because we knew they were not able to hear our voices.

How many of us are in the same situation with God?

He can’t tell us things because our hearing needs repair or we are not taking the time to listen. He often can’t speak into our lives because we are not ready or able to discern the treasures of what He has to say to us. As we could not communicate with my father’s hard-of-hearing guests, God may feel the same way with us. He can’t share His secrets because we are not listening or are distracted. We are not able to hear Him whispering in our ear. As a result, we are the ones who miss out and have chosen the lesser thing. And our expectation of what God can do does not increase.

Listening prayer builds expectation. Notice the difference between Mary and Martha in Luke 10:39-41: She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made… “Martha, Martha”, the Lord answered, “you are worried about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better.” Mary listened and sat at Jesus’ feet while Martha worked.

Three Dimensions of Listening Prayer

Let’s look at three dimensions of listening prayer. As you evaluate your own listening skills, answer these three questions:

  • The Ear Hears Are you attentively listening?

    It’s just too easy for us to make our plans and then ask God to bless them. But to be effective in prayer, we must learn to listen to His plans and cooperate with Him. We are then able to pray God-sized prayers and join God in partnering with His answer. His blessing then follows because God’s plans will always bring tremendous blessing and fruitfulness. It may take time, but in due season, we reap a harvest. Listening is the key to being effective and watchful in prayer. It’s a skill to develop in all relationships, but especially in our relationship with God. If we don’t listen to God and hold fast to His Word, the devil will continually attack and weaken us with His lies.

    “The first stage of Moses’ prayer training was wearing the noise of Egypt out of his ears so he could hear the quiet, fine tones of God’s voice. He who would become skilled in prayer must take a silence course in the university of Arabia.”

  • The Voice Persistently Claims – Are you persistently claiming

    Sometimes God tells us things in the secret place of listening, but we fail to persist in claiming His promises. We may pray for a time, but then we give up. We fail to proclaim the truth in His Word. However, when we do move into that dimension of knowing what God wants and as we pray His Word with His Spirit’s anointing, the answers will surely come. Our faith will rise up to that level of proclamation, and we shall see the fulfillment of our dreams. Listening prayer builds an assurance in our inner being of God’s will in the here and now. This moves us into new dimensions of faith and victory.

    “When we so absorb this Book (the Bible), and the Spirit of Him who is its life, that people cannot tell the line of division between the man and the God within the man, then shall we have the mightiest power as God’s intercessors in defeating the foe. God and man will be as one in the action of service against the enemy.”

  • The Eye Expectantly Looks – Are you expectantly looking?

    It’s easy to lose an expectant heart when we are bombarded by bad news on a daily basis. We don’t want to live in the place where we listen to the lies of the enemy. We want to have ears that hear the sounds of heaven and eyes that look with expectation of victory in all that is before us. We are soon stepping into eternity, a wondrous place to live. Now is the time to rise up in prayer and see what God has for each one of us as we work to pray in His Kingdom. We are made to reign with Him, and one day all our tears will be turned into joy. Learn to listen now and the heartbeat of God will empower your prayers of proclamation, and you will look expectantly for the fulfillment of those prayers.

    “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always”
    (Psalm 105:4).

Moses learned to listen in the desert. He learned the value of solitude. God had him in a training program. Early this morning, I got up, got a cup of coffee, and sat outside listening: listening to God, to the many sounds of nature, to a natural wonderland of birds and animals right in my own backyard. It was a rich experience and as I did this, my expectation level in God rose.

When we begin to listen to the voice of God through a trained, attentive ear, then we shall be able to walk in a new level of Holy Spirit-inspired productivity and anointing. Let’s ask God to help us to slow down and listen in prayer, that He may empower us with godly proclamations of life and truth that bring freedom into the lives of all those we touch through intercession. Learn to touch heaven with your prayers by learning the secret of listening prayer. Learn to live on this level of expectancy in prayer. We can learn from the example of Moses as we seek to be God’s watchman in prayer.

“There were two distinct stages in the training of his (Moses’) ears. First there were the forty years of solitude in the desert sands, alone with the sheep, and the stars, and—God. His ears were being trained by silence. The bustle and confusion of Egypt’s busy life were being taken out of his ear. How silent are God’s voices. How few men are strong enough to be able to endure silence. For in silence God is speaking to the inner ear.”
Quotes by S. D. Gordon

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Mentoring Others in Prayer

12341048_1071089846287455_3551926128578100816_n“Intercession! Would one not say that this is the very holiest exercise of our boldness as God’s children? It is the highest privilege and enjoyment connected to our communion with God. It is the power of being used by God as instruments for His great work of making men His habitation and showing forth His glory.” Andrew Murray

The Call to Mentor Others in Prayer

What are some ways to develop the art, skill or mastery of prayer and intercession. What keys do you need for its release?

The art of intercession! It’s so amazing, so vast, so all consuming. Art refers to any skill or mastery. If intercession changes history and nations, how can I master this great occupation? How can I help other master it? What do I need to develop in order to succeed in intercession throughout my entire life? What are the keys to a passionate and fervent life of intercession? We long to be wholehearted and passionate. We long to do great things for God. We long to make a deep and lasting impact.

We are called to disciple, motivate, exhort, train and mentor others in prayer. We are influencers for prayer wherever we go. We are forerunners for prayer. We are called to help others to ignite the fire of prayer. God’s Church will become a praying Church. Take hold of this noble task and take it seriously. People want to grow in prayer.

I run into people all the time who are called to intercessors who only hesitantly say they are intercessors. We have to speak into the lives of others. We have to tell them if we feel they are called to pray.

The Intercessors Arise books are designed to help you lead people into a deeper and more fulfilling prayer life:

  • We can’t teach prayer in 3 easy steps. It is much too vast – so many aspects. It’s a beautiful diamond.
  • You must hunger after God passionately yourself and you will model prayer.
  • The Intercessors Arise books are designed to help you personally in your prayer life but to also help you teach and train others.
  • Each book has about 30 motivational teachings on prayer to implement in small group settings. They are highly practical, Biblical, and with lots of stories.
  • Your sessions will be dynamically unique as you guide discussions on the topic of prayer and intercession.
  • There are assignments to bring out the teachings of that chapter so it is all set out before you. You can adapt it to your particular situation.
  • You will be able to practice what you are learning in your prayer meetings.
  • You can go as fast or slow as the Lord leads your particular group.
  • You can teach and preach this material to larger groups and churches.
  • You are part of a wider network of intercessors. Never forget this. God is uniting all of us as intercessors. There is a strength to unity.
  • On the Intercessors Arise and Nations House of Prayer Equipping Center web sitesyou can find many additional tools you can use for mentoring others in prayer.

“Of what infinite importance is the place the intercessor holds in the Kingdom of God! Is it not indeed a matter of wonder that God should give men such power? Yet there are so few who know what it is to take hold of His strength and pray down His blessing on the world.” Andrew Murray

For help in mentoring others in prayer, see the Intercessors Arise bookstore.

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

God’s Perfect Timing in Prayer


“A cosmic clock is ticking. It was established by God, not just for the vast movements of the universe, but for every situation in your life. If you are frustrated by it, wondering why God is not rushing an answer to your earnest prayer then feel at home. You’re part of a long list of people – biblical heroes included – who have struggled with God’s timing.” Ron Susek 

Perhaps there is not one of us who has not called out to God and prayed, “Lord, why are You not answering my prayers now?” “Why is it taking so long?” Many of us have prayed for many years about certain things – a lost son or daughter, a job change, a personal dream or desire, revival in the land – and have not yet seen the fulfillment of those prayers. Yet we believe that it is God’s will and that He has led us in those prayers. Why does it seem to take so long for some prayers to be answered?

Think about it – Is God not doing something within us as He gets us ready for the answer? Does He not have a deeper purpose in this process of praying towards the fulfillment of our prayers? Do we try to take matters in our own hands because the stretch of our faith seems too large?

“What has driven you on occasion to wrestle with the hands of time? Fear? Pride? Impatience? Inevitably, it’s a lack of faith in God’s wisdom. It is telling God that we know what is needed, when it is needed, and that we are going to make it happen if He does not.” Ron Susek

God is preparing us in the process. He has His way of getting us ready for the answer. He is stretching our faith. He is often revealing what is in our heart. We are often impatient and God has to crucify our flesh, purify us, and make us ready so that we handle the answer in the right way when it comes. Many of us are like a wild horse and God has to tame us so that we learn to wait on His Word and then move forward in His timing. We must learn to pray by faith consistently and long-term, to wait and then move forward. God is not building His kingdom in the flesh or through the influence of man but with faith and this involves praying, trusting and then moving in His timing and in His way.

The big word for me is “Be patient!” God will act if I don’t give up.  I have had to wait long and pray hard regarding Intercessors Arise International. I have finished writing several books and yet have several that need publishing. The Lord has said to me during this waiting time, “Be patient!” “It will happen in My timing.” “Obey Me.” “Be faithful in prayer (Colossians 4:2). So I have continued on in faith. Perhaps He is saying the same to you regarding some of your long-term prayers. We must resolve to trust in God’s wisdom and timing.

At times we may feel we are in a crisis and need God’s answer now. We may try to take matters into our own hands and really mess things up. Look at King David. He was in a dilemma many times where he needed God’s answer in a difficult situation. He cried out in Psalm 83:1 “O God, do not keep silent; be not quiet, O God, be not still.” But he learned to wait and pray. He let God test his faith and he hung on, not letting Satan get the upper hand through a quick-fix method. And God answered His prayers.

What happens as we are waiting for God to answer our prayers? There is a process we may go through as we wrestle in prayer with God. We often face negative emotions as we go through the difficulty of waiting for God in the midst of a crisis. But this leads us to a greater faith and a greater revelation of God and our situation. This process of waiting for God’s timing in prayer, especially when we are facing a crisis, is usually this:

  • Fervency – We begin by praying with fervency when the crisis arises. We use all of our energy to focus on praying through the crisis. It takes our strength in every way – physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.
  • Negative emotions – As time goes on and the answer does not come, we may get distracted towards other things. We just can’t keep up with that level of intensity. We wait with no answer and we may run into negative emotions – anger, frustration, confusion or disappointment. Anger may be directed toward God, the situation or even ourselves for not being able to do more.
  • Lies of the enemy – We feel the accusations of Satan. He speaks lies into our mind – “You are too sinful to have God answer your prayers.” “Your faith is too small.” “God doesn’t love you or care about your situation.” “He will not answer your prayers.” Remember, Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). He will try to attack you through this vulnerable time when God is stretching your faith.
  • Revelation – We come to a deeper knowledge of what God is doing. Our understanding is deepened as we hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess (Hebrews 10:23). As we stay in the Word of God, we begin to see the situation from God’s standpoint. We grow spiritually.
  • Greater faith – We rise up in faithful, determined prayer. We are not living by feelings any longer but by faith. We are willing to wait regardless of how long it takes. We can actually get excited in the wait. God is with us and He has heard our prayer!

God has a perfect timing. We are all waiting in prayer for something. Right now I know of people who are praying for God’s healing from cancer. I know others who just want to get back to the mission field and others who are praying for the fulfillment of their dreams. A pastor in our area is praying for his son to come out of coma. He was struck by lightning a few weeks ago. I know two others who are praying for a wayward daughter to come home and back to the Lord. Is God not concerned about all these things? Yes, He is deeply concerned. He stretches our faith in the midst of the wait just as He did with His disciples when encountering a storm at sea. He has all wisdom. He answers our prayers at just the right moment. He is not a minute too late.

Don’t miss the upcoming Intercessors Arise prayer webinar called: Grow in Dynamic Prayer by Learning How to Powerfully Pray God’s Word for BreakthroughIt’s filled with free prayer materials – SECURE YOUR SEAT HERE!

“It is the sovereign stillness – quiet, confident, and nonactive – that unnerves us in the face of crisis. ‘Wake up!’ screamed the disciples (and us) to Jesus. ‘Get up here in the deck of this fragile boat. Look at this storm. Don’t you care about us?’ But look at who it is we are trying to shake into action. It’s the God who said, ‘Be still, and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10). This God can remain quiet and still in the face of crisis. He calls us to wait on Him. Indeed, He will act, but in His timing.” Ron Susek

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International

Evangelism and Kingdom Living

12369267_1070125526383887_8923002331474812273_n“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him” (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Every intercessor should be involved in some form of local evangelism. You cannot pray without reaching out to the people around you. We encourage you to get involved in a Lighthouse of Prayer or some other form of evangelism in your area. Intercession and outreach to the needy must be cultivated. Elijah Company, Inc. and Intercessors Arise provide encouragement, training, and opportunity for intercessors to become involved in reaching out to the lost.

God is preparing us for the final harvest. He wants us to see the big picture and be His kingdom people. We are called to pray in the Kingdom of God (Lord’s prayer) and take part in bringing in God’s kingdom rule on earth. We are taking back the earth for the Lord Jesus. Every time you witness, every time you pray for someone, every time you bring encouragement, every time you lead someone to the Lord, you are bringing in God’s kingdom. We are kingdom people.

The kingdom of God by definition is the arena of God’s rule, the place where God is king.
  Our desire is that His kingdom begins ruling in your neighborhood or in your workplace. We need a vision of the big picture, because there is a big gap in the tapestry of what God is doing if we don’t do our individual part. There is an enormous significance to your life and ministry because you are in a worldwide tapesty of what God is doing in bringing in His kingdom. Your individual responsibility and part is so important right now. It is assigned to you by God, and you are united to a worldwide prayer and evangelistic movement.

Paul said, “The kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power” (1 Corinthians 4:20). We are now entering into a time where the power of God is of utmost importance. God wants us to be men and women of power who proclaim and live the kingdom of God. The true word is verified by the true power of God. Jesus often performed miracles before he taught. He knew that if people had an encounter with God, they would be more open to what he had to say.

The kingdom of God is now. Jesus came to teach the way of life in the kingdom of God, and He does it in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. The Sermon on the Mount is the description and instruction for kingdom living. The kingdom is mentioned 160 times in Scripture. It is here available to everyone

Everything revolves around bringing God’s kingdom on earth. Christ will rule on earth. We must reclaim our high ground of hope for the future. We can live in the reality of the age to come and experience his glory right now. The great hope that Jesus gave us about His kingdom was that it was at hand (Mark 1:15). Our message of the kingdom is that Jesus is king. When darkness is covering the earth, the glory of the lord will arise. We can build for the age to come. We can enhance our worship of the king. We can live as God’s kingdom people practicing the Sermon on the Mount right where we live and work.

Ways to Practice Kingdom Living

As we begin to bring God’s kingdom into our neighborhoods and work environments, here are four powerful ways to begin to practice kingdom living in your own life.

  • Study the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7 – Begin to pray it into your own life.
  • Worship God as king, and give Him extravagant praise – God’s power is released as you worship over the area you desire to reach.
  • Study verses on the Kingdom of God – Prophetically proclaim God’s kingdom over the land God is giving you.
  • Understand the tremendous authority you have in Christ in praying God’s kingdom on earth – Live it out in your daily life. Demonic spirits fled wherever Jesus walked, because He walked in holiness and practiced kingdom living (Mt. 5-7).

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International