The Atmosphere of Heaven
- Pray that the Church in the Mediterranean will live in agreement with and in obedience to the Holy Spirit – When the Church is obediently following God, praying fervently, and living holy and righteous lives, then God’s reviving power will be manifested in that region. The power of God and the atmosphere of Heaven will be experienced in His people both individually and corporately.
- Pray that God will raise up intercessors, singers, and musicians all throughout the Mediterranean – Ask God to give them a strong desire for a House of Prayer and for the atmosphere of Heaven to permeate their city. Pray for God to raise up godly leadership for each House of Prayer.
- Pray that worship together with prayer will begin to touch the Mediterranean with the atmosphere of heaven – Pray that God will bring His Church into the atmosphere of what prayer combined with worship is like. Pray that it will prepare that region for a mighty revival.
“Intercession is agreement with what God promises to do. Intercession is expressed by declaring what He will do. In heaven the worship and intercession flow as one river. When we tell God who He is then our faith expands with the revelation of the transcendent God of power and beauty. Then when we agree with what He will do in intercession, we do it in great faith.” Mike Bickle