“Christ, who in this as well as in other things is our example, spent many whole nights in prayer (intercession). His custom was to pray much. He had His habitual place to pray. Many long seasons of praying made up His history and character. Paul prayed day and night. Daniel’s three daily prayers took time away from other important interests. David’s morning, noon, and night praying was doubtless on many occasions very long and involved. While we have no specific account of the time these Bible saints spent in prayer, the indications are that they devoted much time to prayer, and on some occasions long seasons of praying were their custom.” E. M. Bounds
- God passionately desires that we partner with Him in prayer and intercession – Prayer and intercession draws us into intimacy, and at the same time, it humbles and transforms us. When we bring the needs of others to God in prayer, we interact with His heart. He loves when we verbalize our prayers. He wants us to ask in order to receive (James 4:2). He even withholds blessing if we do not ask. God will answer if we pray and ask (Isaiah 30:18-19).
- We are in governmental partnership with Him – The governmental center of the universe is in the prayer ministry. We partner with Him or we will not see these blessings. God seeks for those who will stand in the gap in intercession.
“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30).
- God opens doors of blessing when we intercede – We have a dynamic role in determining the measure of the quality of our life. Charles Finney was a lawyer from New York in the 1800’s whom the Lord used greatly to bring about revival. These amazing results were because of prayer (2 strong intercessors).
- We are changed on the inside as His Word abides in us – We are filled with His heart, and our effectiveness in intercession increases. We then decree God’s decrees with power from on high. Wrong things are made right, the sick are healed, those bound in sin are freed, and revival is released in geographical areas. It’s marvelous!
“You will make your prayer to Him, He will hear you, And you will pay your vows. You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways” (Job22:27-28).
- God initiates prayer by declaring His will in His Word – We respond by praying His Word. Then He answers us by releasing His blessing because of our prayers. Prayer and intercession cause us to internalize God’s Word because when we speak His ideas back to Him. His Word builds us up and delivers us (1 Thessalonians 2:13, Hebrews 4:12, Acts 20:32, James 1:21). God’s mind then dominates and saturates ours, renewing us as we pursue Him in prayer.
“It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63).
- Jesus releases God’s justice in response to intercession – Justice is God making wrong things right. He requires night and day prayer as the condition to release justice.
“Shall God not avenge (bring about justice for) His elect who cry out day and night to Him? I tell you that He will avenge (bring about justice) them speedily (Luke 18:7-8).