24/7 Prayer Advances the Gospel

“If Christians prayed as Christians ought – with strong commanding faith, with earnestness and sincerity – men, God-called men, God-empowered men everywhere, would be burning to go and spread the Gospel worldwide. The Word of the Lord would run and be glorified as never known heretofore. The God-influenced men, the God-inspired men, the God-commissioned men, would go and kindle the flame of sacred fire for Christ, salvation, and heaven, everywhere in all nations. Soon all men would hear the glad tidings of salvation and have an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.”

24-7 prayer ignites the power of God to release the fire of the Gospel throughout the earth. Every nation, every city, every people group, every neighborhood cannot miss the tremendous influence of the atmosphere of prayer released from the 24-7 prayer room. There is something deep and far-reaching that happens when God’s people give themselves to day and night intercession in a given location. It cannot be measured by human means, but its’ dynamic power can set the fire of God loose in a nation in a way that is beyond comprehension.

In the past I have heard of evangelists going to a region, locking themselves in a hotel room, praying unceasingly for days, and then going out and sharing the Gospel with incredible results. If one man can see that happen, imagine the effect when the Church worldwide gives itself to prayer and actually makes prayer its primary business. Then we shall surely see things happen! None of us have gotten there yet, but it certainly should be our highest ambition and shall take a primary role as we see the days unfold before us.

God is raising up Anna’s across the earth, individuals who will give themselves to day and night prayer. Anna in the Bible, though very old, worshiped God night and day almost all her life. “She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying” (Luke 2:36b-37). God is raising up intercessory missionaries who pray night and day.

Last week I heard about how 13 young people were being trained to pray from about 8:00 PM – 3:00 AM at a 24-7 House of Prayer. They were training their bodies to adjust to a new time schedule so that they could give themselves to prayer in the night season. God is bringing the entire body of Christ to a higher level of prayer. The commitment of this group of young people to be God’s watchmen should stimulate each one of us to give ourselves to prayer, whether it is in the day or the night. The urgency of the hour and the present emphasis on prayer makes 24-7 prayer a possibility in this generation. We cannot do without intercession. The need is too great.

“While I am very excited about what is happening, yet as an intercessor, I can never forget that over half of the world’s population has never heard of Jesus. The task ahead is still enormous. As darkness covers the earth in the last days and darkens the people, the glory of the Lord will shine brighter and brighter, brighter and brighter in the face of a people who love Him absolutely and uncompromisingly. In this way, the whole world will know that there is a God who reigns in the Heavens and man will be left without excuse on the day of Christ’s appearing. The Spirit is still heralding a call for watchmen to join the great choir of intercessors.”

How 24-7 Prayer is Advancing Worldwide

“The worldwide prayer movement implements a specific process when establishing prayer watches. Churches, towns, cities, countries and continents are mobilized to stand before God’s throne 24 hours a day to praise and worship Him, and to plead for the nations. Intercessors pray for revival in the church and for world evangelization, as well as for transformation and healing of cities and countries. In this way the Great Commandment and the Great Commission are carried out.” Jericho Walls, South Africa

24-hour prayer watches have been increasing since the beginning of 1990. They are spreading worldwide. By 1995, there were a few dozen but within 10 years, it has grown to a few thousand. One way this can starts is as individual churches begin praying for 24 hours at least once a week and then extend to more hours systematically. Churches can then come together with other churches that are doing the same thing. This grows into a 24-7-365 day prayer watch that goes all year. This needs to happen in every country in the world and every major city.

Examples of Worldwide Expansion

“The only condition that is to give worldwide power to this Gospel is prayer, and the spread of this Gospel will depend on prayer. The energy that is to give it marvelous momentum and conquering power over all its malignant and powerful foes is the energy of prayer.”

  • Uganda – Since 1995, World Trumpet Mission and Watchman intercessors Network have helped to establish 24-hour prayer watches in 43 districts in Uganda.
  • Jerusalem – There was a House of Prayer for all Nations established by Tom Hess in 1987 in order to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the nations. The Gates of Jerusalem Watch is part of this where 12 prayer teams pray daily for 2 hours at the 12 gates of Jerusalem. During the past 10 years, several other prayer watches have been established in Israel.
  • Germany – The Watchman’s Call Initiative was started in early 2000 where every city must pray for the German nation, the salvation of the people, their needs and government one 24-hour day per month. By the end of 2002, there were more than 300 cities involved in this prayer watch.
  • Indonesia – Prayer towers have been established in more than 500 cities in Indonesia. About 5 million intercessors from all over the country are bound together in a network. The intercessors cover a week 24-7, where 16 or more full-time intercessors take shifts of 4 hours a day. Others also join in.
  • England – A Million Hours of Praise was started by Cathryn Hall in England that developed into day and night praise and worship. Worship teams from all over the world are encouraged to get involved in this movement.
  • South Korea – There are prayer mountains throughout South Korea where people can go up into the mountains to pray day and night. Many go to these places to fast up to 40 days as well.

This is only a small taste of what is happening worldwide in the area of prayer. God is creative, and we see the unique ways he initiates day and night prayer in different nations.

Practical Guidelines When Considering 24-7 Prayer in your City

Prayerfully consider the following when starting 24-7 prayer in your city:

  • A Small, Consistent Start – It is good to start small and be consistent than to try to plan a big 24-7 and quit. What is needed for seven days is quite different than 365 days year in and year out. More personnel are needed for a 365-day prayer watch.
  • A Faithful Team – Many different individuals with various gifts are needed in a 24-7 House of Prayer. A general coordinator, a daily coordinator, an administrative team and office, a way to collect prayer material, and make it available to intercessors, a team to clean and decorate the prayer room, someone to work out the prayer times, etc.
  • Dedicated Intercessors and Worshippers – Pray that God will raise up intercessors to pray as well as worship leaders, singers, etc.
  • Careful Planning and Clear Guidance – You must also think about the ongoing process of recruiting new intercessors and maintaining the 24-7 House of Prayer. Ask God continually for guidance, and wait for His Spirit to lead.
  • Training and Motivating Intercessors – It is easy for intercessors to get discouraged so provide ongoing encouragement through seminars, training, and finding ways to minister to the intercessors.

“If men would pray as they ought to pray, the marvels of the past would be more than reproduced. The Gospel would advance with a facility and power it has never known. Doors would be thrown open to the Gospel, and the Word of God would have a conquering force rarely if ever known before.” Unnamed quotes by E. M. Bounds 

By Debbie Przybylski


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