“True evangelism involves experiencing the love of Christ.
An effective Lighthouse lifestyle is one which is built
on weekly acts of kindness done for neighbors, regular
repeated offers to pray, and checks on answered prayer.”
Ed Silvoso
During the first years of our neighborhood Lighthouse ministry, we surveyed the neighborhood looking for signs of other witnessing Christians. We looked for symbols on cars, doors, or lawns. When we found them, we shared our belief that God placed us all here to reach those who do not know Christ, and we invited them to join us in praying for the neighborhood. Several people joined us once a week and then later once a month. The little group became increasingly excited about prayer as we saw quick and definite answers.
“You’re writing a gospel a chapter a day, by the way that you live and the things that you say. People read what you write, distorted or true. What is the gospel according to you?”
Important points in starting a Lighthouse Prayer Meeting
- Define the boundaries of your mission field. Map households in your “community” by making a homemade map, or if praying for family or work mates, a simple list of people.
- Begin prayerwalking, and pray for God’s guidance.
- Discover where the other Christians live, and present the vision of a Lighthouse lifestyle.
- Ask them to consider making a timely commitment of five weeks.
- Give them a week to pray about your invitation, and pray daily for them.
- Meet informally to get acquainted and to pray for each other.
- Set a date for your meeting, and decide frequency, duration, and location.
- Begin and end on time. Remember that people are busy.
- Keep the principle of prayer for your community at the forefront.
- Refrain from any style of prayer that may be offensive to anyone present.
- Do not share personal issues that may compromise relationship or reputation.
- Aim to mix petitions with praise.
By Norm and Debbie Przybylski
For more information, see the Lighthouse Movement website.