Here are free prayer materials to help you apply this course called: How to Powerfully Pray God’s Word for Breakthrough.
May God’s richest blessings be with you as you pursue this wonderful journey of praying the Bible
If this course helped you, please write a review at the bottom of this page or e-mail me at: Thank you.
Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
Resources to Help You on Your Journey of Praying God’s Word:
- 40 Days of Blessing Prayers for Individuals
- 40 Days of Blessing Prayers for Ministries
- 40 Days of Blessing Prayers for Churches
- Praying Scripture Empowers Intercession
- Scriptural Praying for the Lost
- Scriptural Praying for Healing
- Scriptural Prayers for People Going Through Trials
- Scriptural Spiritual Covering – Standing in Prayer
- Prayer for Expanding our Prayer Lives
- Scriptural Prayers for Pastors and Leaders
- Scriptural Praying for Living to Please God
- Scriptural Praying with the Apostle Paul