Tag Archives: throne room

Presenting Your Petitions 
In The Courtroom Of Heaven

12373256_1069628439766929_8331322635533185901_n“Truth alone, empowered by the Spirit, can wither the deception and oppression of the enemy. In 2 Cor. 10:3-6, Paul says that the weapons we fight with have divine, dynamite-like power to demolish argu-ments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. He is describing subtle thoughts, beliefs, and mindsets that have been sown into our thinking by the enemy. Truth, spoken in faith and empowered by prayer – especially in agreement with others – will root out faulty thinking and bring our minds into obedience to Christ.” Tom White

It would be absolutely ridiculous to go to war without having a weapon of offense. Yet you and I are involved in spiritual warfare daily and often enter the frontlines of battle spiritually without using the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17). This must not be. The Word of God is a sword that pierces truth into enemy strongholds. The enemy loses in the courtroom of heaven as we present our case with the truth of God’s Word. As the quote says above, the Word of God has divine, dynamite-like power to demolish every scheme of the enemy.

The truth of God, spoken in faith can annihilate the enemy’s plans against you and all that you are praying for. Don’t underestimate this powerful weapon. You and I must have it ready for quick use as we bring our petitions before God.

Major breakthrough in prayer is beginning to happen worldwide because prayer groups around the world are beginning to pray the Word of God. Intercessors are more and more opening their Bibles in the prayer room and claiming the truth of God’s Word in the courtroom of heaven. The worship and intercession meetings (Harp and Bowl) I am involved in are using the Word of God to launch into powerful prayers combined with powerful worship and antiphonal singing. It is amazing how taking a verse of Scripture and bringing it before the Throne of God leads into such powerful Holy Spirit-led petitions. The Holy Spirit knows how to take the Word and launch it into extraordinary declarations of truth and intensive prayers before the Throne of God.

Using the Word in the Courtroom of Heaven

“Anyone who trusts that he can be an intercessor without knowing and being heavily dependent upon God’s Word is hopelessly deceived. The Spirit works on the Word. It is for this reason that Jesus taught that true worshippers must worship in Spirit and Truth, or according to the Word. He is the Holy Spirit who quickens Scripture in intercession and sets such as legal precedence upon which to base our battle, for indeed the enemy is a legalist and must be beaten in the law court of Heaven before He is ever defeated in the heavenly and then in the natural.” Michael Howard

We hear the battles in the courtroom on a daily basis, but often we don’t realize that there is a law court in Heaven. If you study law in any nation, you realize that without law and order, there is extreme chaos and that wickedness prevails. We fail to realize that in heaven, God is the lawmaker and judge. So when we present our case before God in heaven, understand that the Word of God is extremely important, because it is the absolute Truth that you and I stand on.

When we intercede before God, we can list the petitions that we want God to answer. In understanding the language of the law court of heaven, we must know the Word of God and be thoroughly familiar with God’s law. The evidence from Scripture supports our petitions. Many years ago, I was a legal secretary, and so I know the importance of legal evidence. As a secretary, I had to have the sentence structure right and every word perfectly spelled. One mistake, and I would have to start over. This is before the computer age. We couldn’t even use “white-out” to cover up the mistakes. Legal papers had to be perfect.

When you and I pray, we should ask specifically and clearly. We can state our requests, telling God why we hold that position. You may want to write out your requests just as a lawyer would. Find Scripture that corresponds with your requests and use them as you pray. Claim those promises from Scripture. The positive declaration of Scripture is a powerful defensive and offensive weapon. The enemy wants to keep us vague and without faith in our asking. The Word energizes our prayers.

Using the Word of God is one of the major keys in intercession. When we bring God’s Word in our intercession and cry out to God in the courtroom of heaven, bringing again and again before Him the truth of what He says in Scripture, victory must come. God cannot deny His Word. When God spoke the word in creation, the Spirit and the Word quickened life. When you speak the Word by the direction of the Holy Spirit, life will come forth in power. Martin Luther knew the potential of God’s Word in defeating the enemy. One Word spoken by the power of the Holy Spirit can make the enemy fall.

“‘One little word shall fell him.’ This line from Martin Luther’s historic hymn refers to a basic principle of spiritual warfare: Standing on and speaking out God’s Word slams the adversary and brings us onto victory ground.” Tom White

The Word of God reveals the power and the greatness of the Word. Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible (176 verses), and it is a prayer that reveals the greatness of the Word and the passion of the Psalmist for the Word of God! We read in Psalm 119:12-15:

“Praise be to you, O Lord; teach me your decrees. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.”

By Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International