The Worship Warrior

 “God is establishing a new authority in His church to break through to the third heaven, gain the heart of God, and carry that revelation back to earth where we can accomplish His will. As we do, we will change the very atmosphere around us – God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven. This is what we pray for every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer!”

It is time to seek God’s face through worship. The word “seek” means to search, look for, aim at or try to discover. We need to seek and search for God with deep passion. God desires that we become worship warriors for His Kingdom. I am using this season in my life to seek the face of God in a deeper way. When you come to the end of yourself, when you need God desperately, when you are hungry for more, then everything else is not as important as seeking the Lord’s face. God is removing our grip on earthly, temporary treasures and bringing us into a new spiritual dimension and walk with Himself. Most of us would say, “We have never been this way before.”

When we worship, we come into a supernatural connection with God. There is power in that connection. As a result, doors on earth open before us. We have a revelation of God’s will and plan. We can walk in a new level of victory. God brings us into a place of transformation. We are drawn out of the pattern of this world and into the pattern that God created us for. We are comforted in the midst of turmoil, and we receive the Holy Spirit’s help. As we worship, we ascend to a new place and begin to see from a heavenly perspective.

Worshipping God opens the door for God’s presence and power on earth.

We are in days where the spiritual warfare is increasing. Life is radically changing. God wants us to learn to ascend in worship and then learn to descend in war. What we did yesterday and the way we used to live is no longer adequate for the days we are entering. We have got to rise up to a new level of spirituality. We have got to ascend into our Father’s Throne Room, and then He makes sense of it all. We can no longer depend on our own understanding. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty. We must have heavenly revelation in order to fight this spiritual war on earth. From a position of worship, we will gain the victory.

Ascend in Worship

“This is a time for worship! This is a time for intercessors to ascend, worship and come boldly into our Father’s Throne Room.”

When we ascend in worship, we enter into a new realm. The promises of God become realities in our life, because our faith awakens to a new level. God calls us to ascend in worship, but how can we so this when there are so many cares in this world? Here are some practical ways you can ascend in worship.

  • Give God Time – The enemy will try to keep you too busy to seek God. This is his strategy. He will put many good things in your path. He knows when you truly seek God, you move into a new realm, and his works are shattered. Look at your schedule. Whatever it takes, narrow it down, and seek His face in worship.
  • Abide – Learn to abide in God’s presence at all times. When you are tempted to worry or get distracted, catch yourself, confess it as sin as soon as you are aware of it, and go back to worship.
  • Be Disciplined – Live a disciplined life of worship even when your circumstances are difficult. Determine persistently to worship Him. We don’t realize the weights and oppression that are part of this life. Worship brings us above this world’s cares.
  • Worship Continually – It will not work to worship God occasionally. We must worship Him throughout the day. We can’t let our mind concentrate on the increasing troubles on earth. Jesus has paved the way. He is seated in the heavenlies at the right hand of the Father (Hebrews 1:1-3). He reigns from heaven.
  • Use the Word – Mix the praying of the Word with your worship. Because of present health problems, I am reading and praying the Word of God throughout the day. This is helping me so much as I worship God. It is giving me a heavenly perspective and helps me to focus on God.
  • Express your Heart – God loves passionate worshippers. You may want to be loud or quiet, sing, weep or shout. Use whatever way helps you to express your heart to God. God is looking for your heart.

“When we release a sound of worship, the earth must respond. There is power in lifting our voices in acclamation of the true and living God. We can speak; we can sing; we can shout. Then the expressive power of the hands generates a sound. We can clap, and we can play instruments. We can also lift our hands in worship… We can stand; we can bow; we can dance.”

Descend in War

“So if we live on earth but have access to heavenly places through prayer, why is God’s will not always done on earth as it is in heaven? The answer lies in the second heaven where Satan, the ‘prince of the power of the air’ (Ephesians 2:2), and his demons contest God’s reign and His angels. Satan is the prince of this world (see John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11).

To better understand the warfare we face and the incredible power we have in prayer, it helps to carefully understand the following: The first heaven is the earthly realm where we live. When Jesus died on the cross, He broke the power of Satan in this earthly realm. Through His death and resurrection, we can pray into the third heaven where God is seated (Romans 5:1-2). We have access to heavenly places through our prayers. Satan is the prince of the power of the air (the second heaven) and the god of this age (II Corinthians 4:4). He tries to block heaven’s will on earth through a hierarchy of demons that are positioned between us on earth and the third heaven where God and Jesus are seated. Our struggle is against the spiritual forces of evil in the second heaven (Ephesians 6:12). He gains legal right to block heaven’s will on earth through rebellion against God both personally and corporately through such things as idolatry, immorality, bloodshed, and all other types of sin on earth.

God’s church has the power to break the strongholds of Satan on earth! We can break through his domain in the second heaven and we can destroy his strategies. This is powerful truth to the worship warrior! When we worship, we are surrounded by God’s presence. When we are abiding in His presence, God equips us for war. We first ascend in worship, and then we descend in war. How do we do this? Here are some practical ways you can descend in war.

  • Walk in Peace – Hold your ground, and walk in the peace that surpasses all understanding. The things you need to see happen are in the supernatural realm. Trying to figure it out in the natural will not help. God is after a supernatural life.
  • Listen Carefully – Listen for God’s strategy. God gives revelation and faith as you worship. God will give you insight into your situation as you listen.
  • Live Expectantly – Believe that God will give you heavenly knowledge. God speaks to you as you worship. Be expectant, and expect God to speak to you personally.
  • Pray Through – Learn to pray through the issues God lays on your heart. When you war in prayer, you gain more revelation and break the enemy’s power. Your faith begins to grow to a new level.
  • Gain New Ground – As you press through in prayer, you will gain new ground and revelation for warfare prayer. It’s an ongoing warfare here on earth but you have the ability to overcome the enemy. God will continue to bring you into new places with new insight.
  • Be Persistent – Don’t give up. As you gain new ground and revelation, you must pray through those issues by faith and with persistence.

“The more we ascend, the greater release of faith comes into our spirit man. You have an issue or a burden or a project that you are praying through. You worship and get a piece of the puzzle. God speaks to you during worship. From His voice you war through the next season, and there you gain new ground. You worship more, and you get more revelation. From this revelation, you war.”

“Knowing that we are entering a battle of uncharted terrain, worship and praise seems to be our key to victory in days ahead. We have now entered into a season of war. When we began this last millennium, change and conflict accelerated. We find ourselves groping for stability, footing and positioning. The world is changing so quickly that many awaken with anxiety to each new day… The Church is being prepared to enter its most dynamic season of warfare, worship and harvest.”

For additional training on worshipping prayer; learning to be thankful in all circumstances and choosing praise, read the book called Ascending the Heights in Prayer by Debbie Przybylski.

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