A Great Love, Inc., www.247PrayUSA.org
Aglow International, www.aglow.org
Breakers of Dawn, www.breakersofdawn.org
Burn 24/7, www.burn24-7.com
Capitol Hill prayer Partners, chpp@patriot.net
Christian News Email, www.charismanews.com
Christians for Israel, www.christiansforisrael.org
Concerts of Prayer International, www.copi.org
Derek Prince Ministries, www.dpmusa.org
Dutch Sheets Ministries, www.dutchsheets.org
Eagles Wings, www.eagleswings.to
Elijah List, elijahlist@qwest.net
Endtime Handmaidens, www.eth-s.org
Faith and Action In The Nation’s Capital, www.faithandaction.org
Fellowship of International Churches, www.foic.org
Friends of the Bridegroom, www.fotb.com
Generals of Intercession, www.generals.org, generals@generals.org
Global Harvest Ministries, www.globalharvest.org, info@globalharvest.org
Glory of Zion International Ministries, www.glory-of-zion.org
Intercessors Arise,
International Christian Host Coalition, www.ichc-ndp.org
Intercessors for America, www.ifa-usapray.org
International House of Prayer, www.ihopkc.com, info@ihopkc.com
Joel News International, subscribe-joel-news-international@xc.org
Kingdom Oil, www.kingdomoil.org
Lydia Fellowship, www.lydiafellowship.org
Ministry to the Nations, www.jimgoll.com
National Christian Embassy Jerusalem, www.icej.org.il
National Pastor’s Prayer Network, www.nppn.org, update@nppn.org
National Prayer, www.nationalprayer.org, natlpray@aol.com
Nightwatch at KPC, nikao.typepad.com
NUPSA, www.nupsa.co.za
Pray! Magazine, www.praymag.com
PrayerWave Asia, PrayerWaveAsia@pacific.net.sg – Asia
Promise Keepers, www.promiseKeepers.org
The Call, www.thecallrevolution.com
The Great Commission Center, www.gcprayer.org
The Whip Report “White House Invasion Prayer”, embassy@crosslink.net.
U.S. Prayer Center, www.usprayercenter.org
WEF’s Religious Liberty, E-mail Conference – www.WorldEvangelical.org
Wall Builders Prayer, www.wallbuilders.com
World Intercessors Network, www.iphc.org
World Watch Daily, www.watch.org
Youth Interceding For America, www.yifa.org
24-7 Prayer,