Welcome to the Intercessors Arise International Website!
This site is designed to encourage and help you grow in prayer and intercession. Built with the heart of the intercessor in mind, we want to give you a wide variety of teaching, motivation, Biblical training, and help for prayer and intercession. May you be blessed as an intercessor, prayer warrior, or worshipper. God has raised you up during this critical hour to pray in the final harvest and to build His House of Prayer in the nations. Together let us embark in this great task of spreading prayer and intercession throughout the world for such a time as this.
Together in the Harvest,
Debbie Przybylski
Director of Intercessors Arise International
Dear Debbie,
This is Gary Schelvan, writing to you from Tianjin, PR China. I just went through some of this beautiful website, and I want to thank you so much for putting this together. I am going back to California for the month of Sept., to visit family, and plan on exploring this site much deeper when I return to China. My wife Cathy plays piano, she will love listening to this beautiful music with our new puppy while I am away. HALLELUJAH! I will share this site with other fellow ex pats here in Tianjn, start up a prayer group I hope when I return. God bless all of your efforts on behalf of His kingdom. You were right on in your email devotion on being in a battle. I feel like we are fighting tooth and nail for the souls of all of those we love, family and friends. Let us stand up, unite in love/prayer and be counted on the side of righteousness..Thanks Debbie, be well and safe.
Thank you Gary,
If there is any way I can help you in China, let me know. I want to help in building Houses of Prayer. Let me know if you want to get my bi-monthly prayer teaching. If you do, send me a secure email to deb@intercessorsarise.org.
Debbie Przybylski