“Praying on Site with Insight”
“I will give you every place where you set your foot.” Joshua 1:3
If every Christian began to prayerwalk their neighborhood or workplace, we would begin to see America and the nations transformed. Prayerwalking is part of the Lighthouse lifestyle. It is praying on site (where you step your foot) with insight (with God’s heavenly vision and understanding). Prayerwalking is a wonderful way to bring heaven’s power right into our everyday situation as we walk. I recommend it highly for it brings the influence of heaven to earth, impacting the very territory where we walk. If we all went prayerwalking, it would make a difference in our neighborhoods. We encourage you to make a commitment to go prayerwalking every week. God will answer your prayers and change will begin to come into your neighborhood. Crime will decrease rapidly if each one of us does our part. You and I have the authority in prayer to stretch forth God’s influence and power over our cities and nations.
Why Prayerwalk?
Prayerwalking is a wonderful way to reach your area (your neighborhood, city, workplace) with the power and authority of God. It bathes the atmosphere with the influence of God, it breaks the power of evil, and enables the Holy Spirit to move freely. It helps you to overcome the fear of reaching out to the lost and sensitizes your heart to the people around you and to situations with the heart of Jesus. Prayerwalking also creates divine opportunities to pray for people on the spot. People don’t realize it but they are looking for the atmosphere of heaven. They have a hunger that cannot be satisfied with what earth offers. They need God, and prayerwalking can prepare them to meet God in a personal way. Prayerwalking will give you insight as to the needs of your city and neighborhood, it will build your faith as to what God can do, and it will expand your vision. Prayerwalking empowers ordinary life and puts us in tune with God’s heart.
Guidelines as you Prayerwalk
- Simply walk with Jesus – You are stepping in His land over which He has complete authority and great compassion. So walk where He walks, and pray His prayers.
- Be patient – Don’t give up. Prayerwalking needs persistence and although it is a quiet affair, it brings great rewards.
- Be ready for battle – You are considered spiritually trespassing by established evil powers. The enemy will do all that he can to stop you.
- Be prepared, and give your whole self to the task.
- Prepare your heart – Make sure that you have confessed all known sin, and come before God in gratitude and with thanksgiving.
- Gather your mind – Fix your attention on the purposes and thoughts of God at the beginning. Leave your burdens with God so that you will not be distracted during your prayerwalk.
- Seek God for guidance – Be still before Him for a short time, and ask Him to direct your steps and prayers.
- Visualize the area as God sees it – Ask Him to help you see your neighborhood with His eyes.
- Pray with the Word of God and the Spirit of God – When you find it hard to pray, pray Scripture. You pray the will of God as you pray the Word of God over your area. The Holy Spirit will also enable you to pray on-target prayers.
- Pray out loud and with others sometimes – Your faith grows as you verbalize your prayers. Your prayers multiply as you learn to agree in your requests and as you pray conversationally with others. Together you can ask God to break any strongholds, and pray for healing, comfort, and salvation.
- Welcome Jesus into your neighborhood – Be friendly, greet people while walking, and offer to pray for their needs. Be open to God’s divine opportunities.
- Seek a balance in your prayers – As you walk, combine worship, intercession, warfare, and welcome. Make sure you keep your focus on God more than the devil and his works. Welcome God into your neighborhood.
- Proclaim the promises and prayer of the Bible over your neighborhood – Realize the power of the Word and the name of Jesus when you pray it out loud. Proclaim Jesus as Lord over the homes, people, and situations you encounter. Ask for God’s blessings and presence on each home.
- Thank God for all that He is doing – Look at your neighborhood, and list specific blessings such as honest policemen, safe schools, kind teachers, strong churches, etc. Thank God for what He is going to do.
- Pray God’s purposes and destiny for your neighborhood – Pray for each person, family, and city. Pray that God’s purposes might be fulfilled and that many would be saved and sent out as workers in His great harvest .
- Be creative – Pray creative prayers such as the fruit of the Spirit or the Lord’s Prayer over your neighborhood.
- Give thanks over what God did through your prayerwalk – Rejoice, evaluate, and record insights for the next time you go prayerwalking. Tell others of your experiences and blessings.
- Follow-up contacts – Ask yourself what ministries are necessary as a result of your prayerwalk such as a youth and children’s ministry or a ladies Bible study.
Lighthouse of Prayer Course Links and Resources
- Lighthouses of Prayer
- Lighthouse of Prayer Course
- A Portrait of a Lighthouse of Prayer
- Bringing the Touch of Jesus through Prayer
- Essentials of a Lighthouse Lifestyle
- Prayerwalking
- Principles of Prayer for a Lighthouse Lifestyle
- Biblical Principles for a Lighthouse Lifestyle
- Starting a Lighthouse Prayer Meeting
- Simple Steps in Establishing a Lighthouse
For more information, see the Lighthouse Movement website